What you need to know before presenting at 1 Million Cups

Editor Note: So are you wondering how to get on the list to present at 1 MC Mishawaka? Complete and submit the presentation form found at www.1millioncups.com/mishawaka. You will receive coaching from the 1 MC organizers and a presentation date. Before you present we recommend you attend a gathering then continue to attend supporting the entrepreneur community. Arrive at 9 am, presentations begin at 9:15. Mishawaka Penn Harris Library, Mishawaka,IN.

Imagine yourself standing confidently before a room packed with eager faces, poised to share the journey that fuels your passion and vision, your entrepreneurial business or your new venture idea. In just six minutes, you have the power to captivate, inspire, and instill belief in your dream. Sounds like a tall order, doesn't it? But fear not, because I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Now, you might be wondering, "What's the hype about presenting at 1 MC?" Well, let me enlighten you.

Presenting at 1 Million Cups isn't just about showcasing your business—it's about establishing yourself as an authority in your field. Each moment on that stage is an opportunity to not only narrate your story but also to exhibit your expertise, credibility, and trustworthiness.

And let's not forget the exposure! When you step up at 1 MC, you're not just addressing the audience in the room; you're reaching out to a vast network of influencers, thanks to our ties with the prestigious Kauffman Foundation. It's a chance to connect with individuals who can propel your business to new heights.

But wait, there's more! Presenting at 1 Million Cups is a two-way street. It's about sharing your wisdom, passion, and journey with a community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who are ready to uplift and support one another.

So, buckle up, because today, we're diving deep into the art of delivering a six-minute presentation at 1 Million Cups. And let me tell you, it's not your average pitch—it's a Problem-Solution Pitch that's bound to leave a lasting impression.

We've got a roadmap to success laid out right here for you I MC presentation:

1. Opening: Start with a splash screen that screams "You mean business!"

2. Introduction: Introduce yourself and what makes you the ultimate boss babe.

3. Problem Statement: Shed light on the issue you're determined to solve.

4. Solution Statement: Showcase how you're the hero with the solution.

5. Testimonials: Let your satisfied customers do the talking.

6. Milestones: Celebrate your victories, big and small.

7. Barriers: Be transparent about the obstacles you've faced.

8. Growth: Paint a vivid picture of your promising future.

9. The Ask: Let them know how they can join your journey.

10. Close: End with a bang and leave them wanting more.

Need more? Check out Kaffman Foundation "Powerful Presentations" to help you build a dynamic presentation. 

Six minutes might seem short, but trust me, it's all you need when you're armed with a compelling story. And remember, after your presentation, you have a generous 20 minutes for Q&A to showcase your expertise further. You will also have the opportunity to ask for business resources, community collaborations and connections.

Feeling nervous? Attend your local 1 Million Cups community which meets each Wednesday morning either in person or virtually for  about1 hour. Go to www.1millioncups.com to find a community near you.  

That's okay! Just remember, you have a tribe of unstoppable entrepreneurs rooting for you every step of the way. So, take a deep breath, stand tall, and let your brilliance shine!

Before you grace the stage, make sure to practice. Familiarity breeds confidence, and there's nothing more powerful than owning your presentation. 

Stay Healthy. Stay Connected. Stay You.

Women's Mentoring Program Pre-application interviews sign up here: https://shout.com/s/hVSI1PHg
Get the book She Means Business Breaking Through and Scaling Up https://a.co/d/7KERmgS 

Find us on Youtube www.womenentrepreneurtv.us 
See us on Instagram www.instagram.com/cindycohenrn

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