Your Health: Did you fuggedaboutit?

When it comes to your health did you fuggedaboudit? Fuggedaboudit is New York speak meaning the matter at hand is not worth your time, energy or mental effort. If you're not from New York you may remember the famous Robert De Niro line in the 1999 TV hit the Sopranos when he said You ask me once, I say fuggedaboudit, end of discussion.
Oops is that what happened to those New Year’s resolutions of exercise more, eat better, save money and cut out stress? Did you fuggedaboutit? Are you left wondering what happened? Why these great lifestyle goals never really last not even for 90 days? The answer might be closer than you think according to Columbia University.
Harvard Business Review published in the March 2013 Do You Play or Not Lose? Columbia University professors Heidy Grant Halvorson and E. Tory Higgins ask the question “In what situations are you most effective? In other words what motivates you? During their study they grouped people into two types of basic personality attributes to predict performance: promotion focus vs. prevention focus.
Promotion focused people see their goals as achievement and concentrate on the rewards they will receive when they achieve their goals. This New Year’s resolution might have been something like “I plan to lose 30 lbs. this year so I can get back into my clothes.” According to the authors promotion goals are vulnerable because when something more fun pops up, like going out to dinner with friends it kills the promotion system.
Prevention focused people see their goals as a responsibility, obligation or duty. The same New Year’s resolution of losing weight might look like this “I want to lose 30 lbs. because it’s my responsibility to be healthy.”
If you're not sure which one you are you can take this online test to help you. Identifying your own type will help you embrace your strengths and recognize your weaknesses. The big difference between these two focus types is prevention focus goal setters are 50% more likely to keep their goals. Prevention goal setters are also more likely to stay motivated and more successful at recommitting to their New Year resolutions.
So if your New Years’s resolutions once again include to develop healthier lifestyle habits try a little reflection. Ask yourself, the past what caused you to get derailed by life? Is there a trend in my behaviors or thoughts that get in the way of my succeeding? What is it and how can I prevent it from happening again, you know it will. When it does what will I do? Now is a great time to reset your goals and restart. You can decide to develop prevention focused goals, get recommitted and take responsibility for your health. It’s never too late to take action towards the healthy life you want and deserve.
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