Keana Baylis Woman Entrepreneur Shares Her Passion | Cindy Cohen Interviews

We are excited to be interviewing our special guest Keana Baylis, Know To Grow Consulting, LLC and owner of Little Village Home Childcare (LVHCC) this week on WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR PAJAMA PARTY INTERVIEW SERIES which aired on Facebook as a Facebook LIVE event on Monday, after 10 pm JUNE 24TH here on C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Facebook page and on our channel

About Keana Baylis

Keana Baylis is a mom of 4. Having 2 children by the age of 18 and dealing with the challenge of being homeless she never let her situation or circumstances hinder her from achieving her goals. Keana pressed her way through college to earn several degrees in Early Childhood Education as well as Business Management & Administration. She is also recognized with the Better Business Bureau.

With over 12 years of experience in the Early Childhood field, Keana has utilized her expertise as the Owner and Founder of Little Village Home Childcare (LVHCC), a quality home childcare facility for over 5 years.

Keana is also the owner of Know To Grow Consulting, LLC, an organization she launched a little over 2 years ago. Aimed at teaching and helping other childcare owners establish systems and structure to build, grow and create a profitable childcare that provides outstanding quality service to the communities they serve.

Although Keana is quick to say she's not a Coach, but a Consultant that provides insights on what is needed to take your childcare business to the next level; many of her clients affectionately refer to her as "Coach Keana" because she leaves absolutely nothing on the table. With two authored books under her belt; Marketing Gone Wild: A Guide to Marketing Your Way to Six Figures (currently available for digital download) and Goal Getter, set for release in 2019.

To reach Keana Baylis, Know To Grow Consulting, LLC
phone: (574) 742 2109

About C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Inc.
CindyCohen RN, for 17 years the owner of C2 Your Health LLC and in 2018 founded the non-profit organization C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative. C2 Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. (5013c) providing women entrepreneur mentoring to high school girls, women in college and women from low income neighborhoods with a health and wellness focus. On November 19th, national women's entrepreneur day we will be celebrating with our annual Women's Entrepreneur Summit here in South Bend, IN.

To get involved, learn about the summit, our organization, volunteer and donate to our scholarship program go to  and Facebook 


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