As Entrepreneur Business Owner What Do You Need to Know About the Pfizer Vaccine?

As an entrepreneur business owner, your health should be top priority. Whether our are a new startup, or have been in business for 30 years the owner of midsize company your business most likely depends on your ability to perform at your highest level of productivity, all the time. Before the pandemic so many times I saw how an illness of the owner, not only slows down production, delivery of products or services but sadly can close down the business leaving you will big medical bills, and no income. Now during the pandemic taking care of your body, protecting your DNA and supporting your immune system is not only important but critical to your business. If you have not now is the time to take charge of your health

If you are like me, you are probably wondering what to think about the vaccine being disbursed today throughout the U.S. today. The news reports between 27% - 50% are not taking the vaccine right away. Although you opportunity may still be months away, it's never too early to get and stay informed. 

Wondering skepticism is always good. When dealing with your inner skeptic consider this: 

1. Learn all you can, knowledge is power. Be careful who, what, and where you get your information medical information. Make sure it's from a reliable source as always, I recommend look to the medial science and experts.

2. Know who you are talking to. There is a considerable amount misinformation and lies around all aspects of the pandemic.  There are lots of agenda's circling this pandemic some are personal, others politically fired up. Remember as always you are in charge of your body, and personal health plan.  

These are the News Headlines this morning about the vaccine: 

This morning on Good Morning America Dr. Jerome Adams, U.S. Surgeon General as asked  “When someone gets the vaccine how safe are they?” His answer “We still need to be careful until at least the second quarter of next year, these vaccines were tested with an outcome of sever disease not a prevention of infection. We don’t know if it will prevent infection, but it could prevent you from being in the hospital and ultimately passing from this virus. We need to continue to wear our masks, wash our hands stay socially distanced.”

 8 Things to Know about the U.S. COVID-19 Vaccination Program

“Now that there is an authorized and recommended vaccine to prevent COVID-19 in the United States, here are 8 things you need to know about the new COVID-19 Vaccination Program and COVID-19 vaccines.

The coronavirus vaccine frontrunners are advancing quickly. Here's where they stand

Pfizer not the only company developing the COVID-19 vaccine.Expect a flurry of data, new answers and likely fresh questions to come through the remainder of 2020. Here's where things stand for 13 of the most advanced, most promising or best-funded vaccine candidates in the pipeline.


What is FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?

“In an emergency, like a pandemic, it may not be possible to have all the evidence that the FDA would usually have before approving a drug, device, or a test. When there is a declared emergency, the FDA can make a judgment that it's worth releasing something for use even without all the evidence that would fully establish its effectiveness and safety. If there’s evidence that strongly suggests that patients have benefited from a treatment or test, the agency can issue an EUA to make it available.”


FDA Approves Pfizer COVID -19 Vaccine for Emergency Use 
“Nancy Messonnier, MD, who directs the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said systems will be in place on the first day of vaccination to monitor vaccine safety. She said the safety monitoring plan is extensive, with a whole-of-government approach that will initially focus on the first priority groups, including active surveillance of healthcare worker recipients, with rapid follow-up of serious adverse event reports. Rubin and Longo emphasized, however, that important questions remain, such as long-term safety, ensuring that people receive their second dose, how long protection lasts, and whether the vaccine prevents asymptomatic transmission.


Pittsburgh Doctor Addresses Concerns About Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine
“I think concerns related to our public faith in the vaccine, as opposed to the science of the vaccine. This was one of the largest trials, and it frankly went quickly because we had such widespread transmission of COVID that they were able to rapidly assess whether the vaccine was protective or not,” says Dr. Venkat an emergency medicine physician at the Allegheny Health Network.”


Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Allergies: How Concerned Should You Be? 
“If I were a person that had an underlying allergic tendency, I might want to be prepared that I might get a reaction, and therefore be ready to treat it,” Dr. Fauci said, in a webcast moderated by Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN, sponsored by Harvard and The New England Journal of Medicine. In Pfizer’s late-stage clinical trial, one of the 18,801 participants who received the vaccine had an anaphylactic reaction, according to safety data published by the F.D.A. on Tuesday. None in the placebo group did.”


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