Set Your Business Goals - 10 Potential New Years Resolutions for Small Businesses in 2022

Editor's Note:  Here you are almost the top of the calendar year. January is traditionally known as a time of reflection, new beginings, new year resolutions. At a time to set new personal and business goals for the coming year. Successful business owners use this time wisely to review, re-evaluate, and reset goals for the coming 12 months. The beginning of the year is the time I review my entrepreneur business job performance, how well I set the pace, communicated our company vision, if I was a good boss or do I need a do-over, what needs to be better moving forward?  

When entering the goal setting process be sure to include all revenue generating activites, products, services and income streams connected to your business. Take stock in your business and all activities within your business including how your time has been spent. Ask yourself what has worked? What did not? What could you do differently? Have you been true to your mission or are you off course? What needs to be cut, purged, pivoted or redesigned? What people, processes, technology, can you launch and learn to increase your business bottom-line? Who or what do you need to help you? Not sure what to do? Connect to a mentor, business coach, and a community of business owners to share their experience to help you set powerful 2022 goals. 

Here's what Small Business Trends recommend for you think about before you get started.

The new year is almost here. And that means many small business goals are evaluating 2021 and setting new goals for 2022. There are several areas your company may focus on in the coming year. But if you’re looking for a worthwhile business resolution, check out these suggestions from the online business community. 

1. Find the Best Way to Launch New Products in 2022

If one of your goals in 2022 is to launch something new, you need an exciting product campaign. Businesses are always finding creative ways to introduce product lines. And Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive discusses product launch plan ideas in this post. Once you’ve read it, head over to BizSugar to see commentary from community members.

2. Discover New Small Business Growth Opportunities

Many small businesses would like to grow their reach, revenue, and impact in 2022. But the strategies you’ve used in the past may no longer serve that goal. If you’re ready to change things upread this Crowdspring post by Eleanor Hecks for tips.

3. Live Your Ideal Entrepreneurial Life

Running a business isn’t just about turning a profit. It can also support your personal dreams and help you create your ideal lifestyle. So how can you balance both and create an ideal entrepreneurial life? John Jantsch discusses in this Duct Tape Marketing post and podcast.

4. Create a Plan for Retiring

In fact, many entrepreneurs can even use their businesses to retire early. Or some may simply wish to exit at a normal retirement age. You don’t need to work forever just because you own your own business. But you do need an exit strategy. Read this CorpNet post by Nellie Akalp for tips.

5. Become a Good Writer

Business owners use writing skills in tons of areas. You may need to craft emails, blog posts, or communications with top clients. So strong foundations are essential. Lucia Patterson shares how to improve writing skills for any purpose in this Being Optimist post.

6. Drive Blog Results Even If You’re Not a Writer

In fact, you do not need to be a professional writer to have an effective blog. With some basic skills and a solid strategy, you can drive results with each post. Moss Clement offers tips in this post for non-writers interested in blogging.

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