C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Inc. is joining National Mentoring Month

National Mentoring Month is a campaign dedicated to spreading awareness, recognizing, and celebrating the importance of mentoring in our community and the positive impact mentoring can have on people’s lives.

Established in 2002 and recognized yearly by the US president and administration, National Mentoring Month is a time to celebrate throughout the month of January, This campaign aims to unify and expand the mentoring movement, celebrate the power of relationships, and raise awareness around the importance of mentoring in the United States.

Important recognition dates to celebrate, engage, increase awareness and momentum of mentoring awareness.  

  • January 6 – I am a Mentor Day
  • January 17 – International Mentoring Day
  • January 27 – Thank Your Mentor Day (#ThankYourMentor)

 National Mentoring Month's key goals are:

  1. Raise awareness of the importance of mentoring
  2. Inspire more people to become mentors
  3. Advance the growth of mentoring opportunities

Whether you are a mentor, mentee, business, an advocate or champion of mentoring now is a great time to join the international, national and local mentoring conversation. Attend and support the many events, celebrations and learning opportunities in your community throughout the month of January. Get involved in the mentoring effort by hosting an event, starting a mentoring program, participating in a mentoring community, become a mentor, find a mentor for yourself, share your mentoring story to inspire others, celebrate “Thank Your Mentor Day” on social media, and personally thank those who have helped you along your way.

For women entrepreneurs mentoring is more important now than ever. In fact finding the right person, the right program, at the right time can be life changing for a woman who owns a business and can be the most important business decision she makes in regards to making the difference between the failure and the success of her business.

Important women entrepreneur mentoring statistics:

  • 5X more likely to start a business
  • 87% are still in business after 1 year
  • 89% of mentees go on to mentor in the future, meaning any mentoring efforts you implement now will have a long lasting impact.
  • 80% of female business owners with a female mentor said their mentor was helpful to them.
  • 70% more likely to be in business after 2 years
  • 33% demonstrated business growth
  • 10% actually launch businesses, compared to just 2% of those without access to a mentor.

If you are a woman who is aspiring to start a business, a struggling woman entrepreneur, a woman business owner or a champion of women owned businesses C2Your Health Women’s Initiative Inc. is here to help connect you to a supportive community of women entrepreneurs, business mentors, a mentoring program and / or community business resources keeping the momentum of mentoring going all year not just in January.  

To learn more go to Chronus News National Mentoring Month Kit

#womenmentoringworks #C2YHWI #womenentrepreneurs #womenmentoringwomen #womenmoveforward

About C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Inc

C2 Your Health Women's Initiative Inc.is designated by the IRS a nonprofit organization 501(c)3) for the betterment of women entrepreneurs in our communities.
Women Move Forward Entrepreneur Mentoring Community Memberships http://www.womenmoveforward.info Women Entrepreneur Excellence Course and Certification hosted on Women Move Forward Membership platform  here www.womenmoveforward.info  Women Entrepreneur Excellence Course and Certification Pre-mentoring application complete now 
https://kwiksurveys.com/s/hVSI1PHg#/0  Women Move Forward Initiative www.womenmoveforward.com Make a donation: Go Fund Me  gf.me/u/2kdp6d Or CASH APP $WOMENSINITIATIVE 


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