Separation Season: August as Your Launchpad for Entrepreneur Business Success

I became an entrepreneur in 2002 when C2 Your Health LLC officially launched. From the beginning, I knew I had to develop new skills and refine the ones I had from the corporate world. Specifically, evaluating my goal accomplishments and behavior patterns.
One key practice that helped me was to take a hard look at my business through "Review, Re-energize, and Restart," especially when evaluating my business progress.

By the time August came around, I realized if I had goals I wanted to accomplish, I'd better get moving—the year's end was approaching fast! This brings me to something I call "Separation Season," which happens every August. Many see it as a chance to reset and achieve incredible results before the year's end. Embracing the concept of Separation Season each August has consistently set me up for my most successful fourth quarter ever.

If you are ready for August to be your Separation Season ask yourself these questions.

Why Does August Matter for Your Business?

You might think of August as just the end of summer—a time for last-minute vacations or relaxing in the sun.

  1. Three-quarters into the Year: August marks the point where we are three-quarters into the current year. It's a crucial time to assess progress, make necessary adjustments, and ensure you're on track to meet your annual goals.

  2. Time to Reset and Refocus: August offers a unique opportunity to reset and refocus. It's a chance to evaluate what's working and what isn't, and to realign your strategies for a strong finish to the year.

  3. Momentum for the Fourth Quarter: By using August to review and re-energize, you can build momentum heading into the fourth quarter. This proactive approach can set you up for a successful and productive end to the year.

Mindshift: Why Change Your Mind?

As you consider embracing Separation Season, here are two thoughts you might be having and reasons to shift your mindset:

  1. You might be thinking: "I've already missed too many opportunities this year."

    • Why Change Your Mind? August is a perfect time for a fresh start. Instead of dwelling on missed opportunities, focus on what you can still achieve. A shift in perspective can turn remaining months into your most productive and successful period.
  2. Or maybe this: "It's too late to make a significant impact."

    • Why Change Your Mind? It's never too late to make meaningful changes. August gives you enough time to implement new strategies and see results before the year's end. This month can be the turning point that drives your success.

Here's The Plan: Three Key Actions

1. Review and Recommit to Your Goals: Take a hard look at your progress so far. What have you achieved? Where have you fallen short? Use this time to recommit to your goals with renewed energy and focus.

2. Re-energize Through Connection: Recharge your batteries by connecting with friends and family. This isn’t just about business; it's about nourishing your soul and finding inspiration in those you love.

3. Restart by Identifying Key Accomplishments: Define what you want to achieve by the end of the year. Be specific. Write down your goals and visualize your success.

Daily Action

  • To make the most of August, plan your days intentionally.
  • Try new things, seek out learning opportunities, check in with your Mentor and Business Coach and stay open to feedback.

This daily commitment will help you grow both personally and professionally.

Moving Forward

Take a moment to review and recommit to your goals. Celebrate your progress and note where you can improve. Define what you want to achieve by year's end and visualize your success. Re-energize by connecting with loved ones for inspiration and support. Write down your goals, embrace the power of connection, and take action now.

Let's reset together for a BIG finish to 2024!

Make the most of Separation Season: August as Your Launchpad for Entrepreneur Business Success. If your business is going in the wrong direction, turn it around. Remember, you are in the driver’s seat. Embrace this month to steer your business towards success and achieve your goals with renewed energy and focus.

Stay Healthy. Stay Connected. Stay You.

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