National Entrepreneurship Week February 15 - 22: A Time to Celebrate, Learn, and Connect
National Entrepreneurship Week takes place annually during the third week of February. This year, it takes place from February 15 to 22. It is a congressionally chartered initiative centered on celebrating America’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. Formed in 2006, and relaunched in 2017, this initiative uplifts core values of diversity, inclusion, equity, education, and collaboration needed for the growth of entrepreneurs. If you’re looking for funding to pursue business studies, head to Scholaroo for a list of business scholarships.
- Attend the events: Communities across the country offer free local and virtual entrepreneurship webinars and events to uplift and empower the entrepreneurship ecosystem. Find out about the events happening, by visiting the NatlEshipWeek website.
- Join in as an educator: Do you have solid experience in the entrepreneurial journey? Then you can join the cause as an educator. As an entrepreneurship educator, you can teach new entrepreneurs how to be successful at what they do. The NatElship Week team creates events just for educators.
- Spread the word: Knowledge is key, and the good news of National Entrepreneurship Week cannot spread itself. Get on your social platforms and spread the word using #NatlEshipWeek in your posts to raise awareness.
- Most new American billionaires are self-made: With a record high of 493 new billionaires added to “Forbes”’ annual list of the richest people in 2021, 90% of new American billionaires are self-made.
- Not all entrepreneurs went to college: About 30% of entrepreneurs only have a high school degree.
- The U.S. might be the best country: The United States has a Global Entrepreneurship Index of 83.6, making her the best country for entrepreneurs.
- You don’t need to know business: According to entrepreneurship data, 32% of small business owners have only taken a couple of business classes, while 46% don’t have any form of business education.
- You’re never too old: Studies show middle-aged men start the most successful businesses, with an average age of 42 years.
- Entrepreneurs make up a major portion of the economy
With about 582 million entrepreneurs in the world, it is clear that entrepreneurs and their businesses make up a large portion of not only America’s economy but the world at large. National Entrepreneurship Week is key to equipping our entrepreneurs with the knowledge they need to grow their businesses.
- Most businesses fail in the first year
- It provides a supportive community
Editors note: Read the rest of the article: Source: Turn Your Ideas Into Reality National Entrepreneurship Week The above post is part of the ongoing series posted on the National Day blog whose goal is to gather special days worldwide.
If you're in the Saint Joseph County area and looking for a supportive community to help you on your journey, check out these fantastic resources:
- 1 Million Cups Mishawaka: Fuel your mornings with inspiration and connect with fellow entrepreneurs. Coffee, ideas, and community – what's not to love?
- Women Entrepreneur Meetups: Empowering women in business! Connect, collaborate, and grow alongside other amazing female entrepreneurs.
- Mishawaka Business Association: Your local hub for networking, resources, and support to help your business thrive in Mishawaka.
Stay healthy. Stay connected. Stay you.
Founder, President
C2 Your Health Women's Initiative, Inc.
Women Move Forward Mentoring Community
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