Move Over AHA Life's Simple 7 - Life's Essential 8 is Here

Look what's new on the heart healthy landscape of disease prevention! Who knew getting the proper sleep can actually save your life? Sleep is no longer just to restore your strength and energy preparing you for the next day it's life saving. So, the next time you think you 3 - 4 hours a sleep is enough to ready you for the day your heart may not agree with you. 

According to an new study looking into an enhanced approach for assessing cardiovascular (heart & circulation) health, Life's Essential 8, has been developed, according to an American Heart Association (AHA) Presidential Advisory published online June 29, 2022 in Circulation.

Just a little history to put things in perspective. 

In 2020 American Heart Association developed a prescription for heart health called Life’s Simple 7 – the seven most important predictors of heart health and also a pathway for achieving ideal cardiovascular health. The Simple 7 included:

1. not smoking (nicotine exposure)

2. healthy weight (body mass index)

3. eating healthy (eat fruits & vegetables)

4. being physically active

5. reduce blood pressure

6. reduce cholesterol (blood lipids)

7. reduce blood sugar (glucose)

Following this recent study on the best approach to asses heart disease Donald M. Lloyd-Jones, M.D., from the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, and colleagues convened to recommend enhancements and updates in response the studies on cardiovascular health (heart & circulation) developed in 2010 which resulting in the AHA Life's Simple 7 campaign. A new study reviewed and updated the original Life's Simple 7 recommendations (listed above) and new guidelines were developed. 

This presidential advisory introduced an enhanced approach to assessing (heart & circulation) health: Life’s Essential 8. The components of Life’s Essential 8 added SLEEP HEALTH to the already identified healthy diet (fruits & vegetables), physical activity, nicotine exposure, body mass index (healthy weight), blood lipids (cholesterol), blood glucose (sugar), and blood pressure.

What's the recommendation for sleep? According to the American Heart Association, studies have found that most people need six to eight hours of sleep each day for a healthy heart.

Wondering what your Life Check Score is based on the Essential 8? To get started click here, take the test, then post your score and what you learned in the comments.  

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Editor's Note: Pick up some more heart healthy tips / recipes click here 

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